The man who couldn't wash the dishes
There was an old man who lived in a little old green house in a little winding street lined with humongous green, green trees! The old man lived all alone in his little old green house. He did not care very much for doing his dishes every day, he let them build up and up and up until one morning, he went into the kitchen to have his usual bowl of porridge for breakfast but there were no bowls left in the cupboard. He turned around to the sink and what did he see? A great big pile of dishes, they were stacked SO high, they nearly touched the ceiling! "Oh, no!" he cried, "I can't wash all these dishes, I'm so hungry what shall I do?
If he didn't wash the dishes, He wouldn't be able to eat. He looked back at the tall pile of dirty dishes and said to him, "I hope I will come up with an idea great!!!
He thought and thought until one day, he went to the store and found bowls. The bowls were $9.9999999999999, so he bought one bowl and cleaned it every day, and the pile of dishes sat there. While he was pacing around in his house, he noticed a very strange looking lamp in the corner of his kitchen. He went to pick it up and CLABAMMMMMMM! A genie appeared! The genie said "Now you will be granted 1 wish. Be careful what you wish for. "I know what I need more than anything else," said the man. "I wish for a dishwasher! One that is already installed in my kitchen," he shouted. BANG! The man looked behind him and there was a dishwasher.
He had so many dishes that they wouldn't all fit. It took him 34 days to wash all of the dishes. He was so happy to have clean dishes, he decided to have a party and invite all of his friends. They could come but only if they would wear green. And once again it took him 34 days to wash the dishes from the party!! And that day forward he wore a dish washing charm that reminded him to do his dishes every day. But, the silliest thing of all went he goes out to buy clothes he always goes to the kitchen aisle.
One thundery afternoon day when the green old man was out shopping he went into the kitchen aisle he saw a great big shiny white fridge and went over to take a look inside. He opened the door and looked inside, next minute, golp!!! CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH the fridge gobbled him up. The shop assistant came over to see what the entire racket was about but all she found was a pile of green clothes with the locket on top covered in silver, but then the big guys butt made the monster have a headache.
The army came to investigate the little green house, and found the shiny white fridge fill with dishes. The police-men never found out what happened to the little green men, and people still wonder what happened to him and he installed icy tower.
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